Miller Davis has successfully completed over 30 K–12 public school bond issues. Over the years, we have developed effective bond campaign strategies and have a bond election passage success rate of nearly 90 percent. We take an active role in your bond campaign by establishing and implementing successful strategies. Our bond campaign specialist collaborates with your support committees, administration and design professionals to enhance communication and community participation to pass the bond.

We Can Facilitate Any of the Following

  • Develop campaign branding and message points
  • Prepare a campaign strategy
  • Formulate a communications strategy
  • Task assignments
  • Calendar of events
  • “Yes Voter” identification and tracking
  • Cost and schedule analysis and presentations to assist with building community support for the program

In addition, our bond campaign specialist will work with designated school representatives to develop and implement a comprehensive public relations strategy that targets students and staff, the community and press/media to garner positive recognition for your bond program.